criteria Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for criteria:


file  criteria_a_opt.hpp [code]
 A-optimality (uncertainty) based criteria.
file  criteria_combined.hpp [code]
 Abstract module for combined criteria.
file  criteria_distance.hpp [code]
 Cost for selecting distant points.
file  criteria_ei.hpp [code]
 Expected improvement based criteria.
file  criteria_expected.hpp [code]
 Criterion based on the expected value of the function.
file  criteria_hedge.hpp [code]
 Portfolio selection of criteria based on Hedge algorithm.
file  criteria_lcb.hpp [code]
 Lower confidence bound based criteria.
file  criteria_poi.hpp [code]
 Probability of improvement.
file  criteria_prod.hpp [code]
 Product of multiple criteria.
file  criteria_sum.hpp [code]
 Sum of multiple criteria.
file  criteria_thompson.hpp [code]
 Thompson and optimistic sampling criteria.